How Am I Different From The Stereotypes?

 In today's writing fundamentals class, our class were shown a list of 'stereotypes' about us ( Gen Z. Some of the predictions are indeed true and undeniable, I am indeed a 17 year-old Indonesian living in Jakarta.I do follow fashion trends, use an iphone and active on social media but that's not all there is to me. 

Mark, the addresser of the stereotypes said since I'm Gen Z, I must like current music. Well, I think some current music are easy to listen to, but hey I also love older music, such as 80s city pops.

Another stereotype addressed was that I or Gen Z definitely watches Netflix, HBO, and Disney+. Now now, that one is a big NO for me. I do acknowledge the fact that a lot of my friends watch netflix. But I never owned a netflix account, reason being because it requires me to pay. No, I'm not giving my money. HBO? Who even watches that anymore?  I do know my nerdy uncle Benny still watch HBO with his chihuahua, Mocca every Friday night but that's it. What even is Disney+ ? Never heard of that. 

Moving on to the next kinda incorrect stereotype. "Has 50 or more phone notifications a day". Ooh let me tell you a fun fact, I used to turn off my social media notifications throughout high school because I think they bother me when I'm in the middle of watching something. My friends used to get mad at me for being such a slow texter.

Let's move on to the final incorrect stereotype, "Is rich " Hmm...No, let me correct that a little bit. I am not rich, but my parents are. Of course there are richer families compared to mine, but I do think my parents are quite financially stable. But that does not mean I'm myself rich right? So that one also missed. 

As a conclusion, I do think some of these stereotypes are true. But every single human being is very unique inside so when you want to point a stereotype in front of someone, try to to hold that back since a person is more than just stereotypes


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