First Fundamentals Writing Class Recap ( Sept 16 )


         This week marks my first week officially starting classes and lessons as a freshman in college, and things have been going pretty well as of now. One of the classes I attended was Writing Fundamentals. Here's a screenshot I took of my class and of course our lecturer Mark, who doesn't like being called with Sir/Mr, just Mark. 

        One of the things we did was watch a PR video of the New York government about the importance of wearing a mask during this pandemic. 

        Here is the link to the video. Afterwards, we were seperated into different breakout rooms to discuss what we would alter if we were to make a similar PR video except the target audience is none other than our own citizens of Indonesia. We had to discuss which Indonesian public figure would we pick in replacement of Paul Rudd. 

        I was in Breakout Room 4,  with my fellow friends Audrey and Ludvig. We started discussing right away, we came up with some public figures that are well known in Indonesia, like Deddy Corbuzier for example. But what we concluded was that we preferred a 'meme' rather than a 2 minute video. A youtube video would take minutes to comprehend while on the other hand a meme would take just 1 and a half second, which brings us to the conclusion that a meme is more likely easier to share, and go viral. We also came up with the Indonesian slang of "Bambang", kind of the equivalent of "Karen". In Indonesian culture itself, "Bambang" is often used by young people to mock someone when they do something foolish, where in our PR Video we can use that to refer people who don't wear masks as "Bambang"s. The tagline can be something like "Just wear your mask, Bambang". 

    After a 20 minutes break, we then discussed about "What Makes Good Writing Strong", we were shown a 90 seconds story to give us an example of what a good writing looks like. There are several points that need to exist within a writing for it to be counted as "good writing" 

    Moving on, there was also a question we had to answer. My teacher wanted us to write 3 possible reasons on why a man would steal a bicycle. Here is my answer to that question. It's not the best handwriting but I tried hehe. 

        For the last activity, we were again seperated into different breakout rooms.

        Surprise! I'm with Audrey again, except now instead of Ludvig, we had Afif. Our task this time was to create a 90 seconds story that includes all the criterias for good writing. But it has to be from Indonesian history. 

        The story we came up with ended up pretty cliche, but I know there are rooms for improvements in this story, and If we fix up some things it can actually turn into something nice. the story goes something like this: 

        It's the 19th century in Batavia, where the Dutches were still colonizing Indonesia. Young, naive, spoiled, half Dutch and half Indonesian, Kartika Van de Berg was clueless about the real situation in Indonesia, that is until she met Soekabumi, a young responsible Indonesian activist hoping to free Indonesia from the Dutch's colonization. Both of them fell in love. Soekabumi had great ambition, his emotions for his goals are so strong, stronger than his love for Kartika. Soekabumi managed to win over Kartika to the Indonesian's side. Where they then decide to fight side by side against the Dutch's. Kartike knew that if she stayed with her family, there was no way they would let her marry Soekabumi, as he was only an Indonesian, seen as a lower cast compared to her race. Kartika reckelssly threw her life away for this young man. Promising to stay together until death seperates them, they continued their rebellion. However it didn't take long. Kartika sacrificed herself willingly to the Dutch, in return of the Dutch promising they won't take Soekabumi's life. Thus the last time Kartika Van De Berg was ever seen, was on the gallows. 

The End


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